Car and design have become integral elements nowadays featuring forms, surfaces and colours. A variety of brilliant colours and special effects are increasingly being used to enhance modern day and age cars. These finishes are obtained by using newly innovated pigments and by multicoated metallic-, pearl-, effect- and solid colour-paintwork. The basecoat provides the colour in combination with tinted and adapted undercoats. The predominantly high-gloss clearcoats provide the necessary protection and brilliant finish.
The basecoat-system Mipa BC fully complies with this development. With the lowest possible number of mixing tinters the complete colour spectrum of clear-over-base and effect-paintwork is covered. High efficiency, exact and brilliant colours, that be found quickly and easily in the Mipa Color System, as well as smooth and easy application topcoated with Mipa 2K-MS- and -HS-Clearcoats result in a top class paint system.